Typical School Day Times

What time can I drop off my student?   Students are welcome in the building no earlier than 7:40AM. Students may enter via the pick up/drop off door on the side of the gym.

What time does the school day start?   The school day starts at 8:00

What time is dismissal? Students are dismissed beginning at 2:20

Early Release

What time is dismissal on Early Release?

Early Release dismissal time two hours early- so 12:20.

How do I know what time my student will get off the bus on an Early Release day?

Students should get off the bus 2 hours earlier than normal.

Change of Dismissal Plan

Q: What do I need to do if I need to change my child's dismissal plan on a specific day?

Call or email the office ([email protected]) and let them know the change as soon as you know of a change. Changes to dismissal need to be made in the office to update our dismissal software for the day. You can even notify the office before the day of the change so you don't forget! We must here about dismissal changes from an adult.

Unified Arts Schedule
Color Day Schedule

You will get a Unified Arts (Specials) Schedule for your child's class that will say something like Red Day: Art, Orange Day: Music etc.

Specials will work in a rotation rather than a permanent day of the week. Most school holidays happen on Mondays so over the course of the year students miss about 1 Monday class per month. And sometimes more if there are snow days.

Our Specials Schedule will have a 4 day rotation. If we miss a day of school the rotation will continue the next time we are back at school. The Unified Arts color day will be posted on the website and often updated on Facebook when we have a snowday or unexpected day off.
We will have Red Day, Orange Day, Yellow Day, and Green Day. Then the rotation will repeat again.

What do I need to volunteer and/or chaperone?

If you are interested in volunteering and/or being a chaperone you must have fingerprints and a background check through the state on file with the SAU. This process can take a few weeks, so it is best to plan ahead so that a delay at the state does not hold you up.  Please contact the main office to begin this process and get the rest of the instructions.  If you were fingerprinted in the past and are unsure if your records are up to date, then you may call the main office to check your status.

Before and After School Care

Do you have before school care? No.

Do you have after school care? Not located directly at the school.

Are there any other after school programs?

The Suncook Boys and Girls Club, and Krazy Kids have after school programs that pick up at the school. Please contact them directly.


Can I send something to be warmed up for lunch? We do not have the ability to warm lunches for all students. If you are sending lunch from home , please pack a lunch that can be eaten "as is" at lunch time.

I received a call from the school saying that my child has a balance on their lunch account. Who do I talk to about this? Please call Dennise Neadeau, our Pembroke Food Service Director, on her direct line at Pembroke Academy -603-485-3042.

Bus Questions

**I need to speak to the bus coordinator – is there a number I can call? **Linda Beaudoin is our bus coordinator and she works for Dail Transportation. You can reach her at 603-736-9682.