Food Services
Paying for Lunches and Snack Drinks
Each school is equipped with a point of sales service that allows you to pre-pay into your child’s account in any increment and automatically tracks each child’s credits and debits from their account. We encourage you to send a check to school with your child, made out to: The Pembroke Lunch Program with your child’s name in the memo space.
All school meals must be pre-paid. You can access your child’s account at with their student ID# and sign up for an email reminder of when payment is due. In order to get your child’s ID number, you can contact your school’s secretary. You can then pay through the website or send a check with your child’s name on the memo section, made payable to: The Pembroke Lunch Program, in any increment, based on your child’s participation.
We have installed a service that will notify you by phone when your child’s account falls below a zero balance or if your child has a negative balance. This will remind you that it is time to send in another check. If you have any questions or need more information please call your child’s school or Denise Nedeau Food Service Director, at (603) 485-3042 or [email protected].
22/23 School Year Prices: Breakfast: $1.50 / Reduced- Free Lunch: $2.60 / Reduced- $0.40 Snack Milk/Drink: $.60
All Selections included assorted fresh fruits on the self service fruit and veggie cart and cold milk.
Making Our Breakfast A Whole Lot Healthier
The Pembroke Breakfast Program offers reduced sugar cereals, vanilla and fruit yogurts, assorted muffins, cinnamon rolls, breakfast pizza and breakfast sandwiches. All of these selections include: Fruit, juice, and milk. Encourage your child to eat breakfast with us daily. It’s a great low fat way to start the day.
Free and Reduced Lunch
The National School Lunch Program is a federally assisted meal program operating in over 101,000 public and non-profit private schools and residential child care institutions.
Any child at a participating school may purchase a meal through the National School Lunch Program. Children from families with incomes at or below 130 percent of the poverty level are eligible for free meals. Those with incomes between 130 percent and 185 percent of the poverty level are eligible for reduced-price meals, for which students can be charged no more than 40 cents.
Children from families with incomes over 185 percent of poverty pay a full price, though their meals are still subsidized to some extent. Local school food authorities set their own prices for full-price (paid) meals, but must operate their meal services as non-profit programs.
Apply for Free and Reduced Lunch (form coming soon)